Saturday, August 27, 2011

Patisserie Marie Beliard in Petion-ville, Haiti

By far one of the best pastry experiences you will ever encounter, Patisserie Marie Beliard located in Angle Rue Faubert & Lambert - Pétion-Ville, HAITI is just one of the many examples of Haitian culinary mastery. Unlike some of the pastries that you find in the U.S., heavy with tons of sugar and butter for no real tasteful reason, this bakery uses everything in the right proportion to create light, airy and fresh creations that will literally make you feel as if you're in heaven with every bite. More than just a bakery, Patisserie Marie Beliard is just one of the many examples of the level of culinary creativity produced by a Haitian bakery. We at La Belle Morena appreciate and applaud the uniqueness of these tasty products.

1 comment:

  1. I remembered when we used to eat Marie 's cakes each time, my favorite one still remains:" foret noire" which is the best and thoses cup cakes.......hummy lol
